Monday 14 October 2013

Use of Technology in this session so far - 14/10/13

Today I have learnt what a blog is and how to create one. I enjoyed this, it has opened a new world to me; an opportunity to share my thoughts and feelings about the PCET course and my journey towards gaining my qualification.
During today's session Mandy used the interactive whiteboard and a youtube video to show us what a blog is, what it can be used for and what features it has such as: followers, gadgets etc.
In order to create my first blog I had to open a Google email account. I have never had a Google email account previously but I found this easy to set up and straight forward. Once the email account was set up I was able to create my first blog 'Cristina's reflections'. This is a completely new thing and I have found it slightly challenging at times, especially trying to keep up with all my other colleagues.
I have learnt how to change the design of the blog, how to add gadgets and how to post and talk about various topics on the blog. I look forward to finding out more about blogging and using all the features available with it.

I am amazed at how much I have learnt and still have to learn every day. I didn't have a mobile phone until I was 18  years old. My first phone was a very small Nokia and I remained loyal to that brand until this summer until 2013 when I finally gave in to the new modern world of smart phones, mobile technology and yes: THE Iphone :)

I now have one and it has taken over my world from using it as a navigator everywhere I travel in the car to using the Apps  (mobile application) which bring me the news or tell me how far and how fats I am running.

Today...blogging is the new achievement that will now go on my timeline of events representing my journey of negotiating life in a Technology orientated society.

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